Title: “3 Foot Exercises for Heel, Plantar Fascia, and Pelvic Floor Strength”
Strengthen your feet, heel, plantar fascia, and pelvic floor with these 3 powerful exercises designed to improve mobility, stability, and overall foot health. Whether you’re an athlete, runner, or just looking to build a solid foundation for movement, these exercises will help you activate and connect key areas of your body.
Exercises Covered:
1️⃣ Heel Inchworm: Bring your heel towards the metatarsal to scrunch the foot and engage the plantar fascia.
2️⃣ Plantar Fascia Twist: Twist the plantar fascia to activate the arch and tighten the pelvic floor.
3️⃣ Foot Lift with Suction: “Suck” the plantar fascia away from the ground for dynamic foot lifting mechanics.
💡 Benefits:
• Enhance foot strength and mobility
• Relieve plantar fasciitis discomfort
• Improve pelvic floor engagement for better posture and balance
Perform these exercises daily or include them in your warm-up and mobility routine!
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#FootStrength #PlantarFascia #PelvicFloor